
I cam back.

Video for Fringe


Is it all over my face?

Some pictures from Brians latest video.


Look mom! I made cookies

Robbie, Peter, Kevin and I decided to get"festive" and make gingerbread men!

..and we did not even decorate any inappropriate.


"It`s the beat"

this is where I get all my moves....


Puppies n furries

Her had a play date with his cus Ozzy.

Lions, tigers n bears... o my!


Pumpkin obsession

Pumpkin pie, sweet n spicy pumpkin seed, pumpkin beer, pumpkin sloppy joes, pumpkin turn overs, pumpkin carving and friends.

Sam and Peter!

If he did`nt know any better I think he was about to eat her or something...

Happy hallerween!



My name is!

All great Libras think alike!


Her,Him, and everything else

It was my birthday last week. It was pretty mellow. I didn`t feel the need to go buckwild. Some did though.

I didn't even know this girl she just huurd music and stumbled in.

Ade heyheyhey!

Everynite is my burfhday/hallerween. ;)
Slash I need to remember I have a camera more often I usually drunkenly forget. I need a resident photographer.