
Run run as fast as you can, can`t catch me I`m the gingerbread man!

So my lil sissers kindergarden class had to send a letter and a gingerbread man(in Josie`s case a gingerbread lady) to someone who lives a bit of a distance. Smart girl for picking her broo who lives way far away. Shame on me for taking a month. In any case I was suppose  to send a postcard with the envelope that they provided with a stamp already included (I blame my slowness on my brain). Instead I cut the "gingerlady" out and stuck her to things around town and took polies of her and then stuck a fact on the back of each one. yehee! come on I'm fun right?...

ugg that's a piss poor pic of the space needle

   amazing sunsets fosho




... ummm and I can`t even sing Barracuda.
Todo list- Choreograph dance moves to Magic man.


Half awake, sleeping the bleuz away

The winter had me down.. for a while.
Interesting things happen just was not interested in sharing.
I am awake now.